In the spirituality of her mission statement, Mary Virginia Merrick, or "Miss Mary," challenges each member to "live their lives" doing what she established over 130 years ago. We joyfully celebrate mass together at our membership meetings, hold an annual Day of Prayer, a May Crowning, and reach out to our community in as many different ways as there are members.
Remember in this sacrifice of Your own and only Child, all children everywhere throughout the world, and grant that, like Your Son, as they increase in years, they may grow in grace and wisdom before You, and in the sight of all, for the improvements and saving of the world.
Jesus, the Friend of little children, bless the little children of the world.
Mary Virginia Merrick, Servant of God, pray for us.
Lord God, in your special love for children, you chose to raise up Mary Virginia Merrick to be the servant of the poor children. In laboring to serve the young and those without hope because of the crushing weight of poverty, she proclaimed the love of your Son. She made her life's work a demonstration that "nothing is ever too much to do for a child."
Grant that her example of selfless charity and courageous virtue in the face of her own suffering will inspire us to be as generous in the service of others. We humbly ask that your servant Mary Virginia Merrick be numbered among the Church's canonized saints for the edification of your holy people, in accord with your most holy will. Through her intercession, please hear and answer my request (state intention).
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
"Published with ecclesiastical approval", Archdiocese of Washington